How To Show The CPU Frequency In Android Status Bar _VERIFIED_
How To Show The CPU Frequency In Android Status Bar =====
Highly detailed CPU info, with current usage for individual cores, history graphs, load averages, uptime, CPU frequency, and a list of the apps using the most CPU. Plus, GPU memory and processor usage on supported Macs, and the active GPU can be shown in the menu bar.
Another network speed monitor app that you can use is the NetSpeed Indicator. The app works both in the status bar and notification panel. It shows total download speed. You can change it to show only download or upload in settings.
When it comes to monitoring speed, the app shows only download speed in the status bar. But if you look at the notification panel, you get lots of information, including current internet speed and total data usage.
No matter what the situation, the third-party apps always come to the rescue. While they work perfectly fine, one prefers to have a built-in feature instead of downloading apps. All the Samsung fans would prefer to have a native option of showing internet speed in the status bar. We hope Samsung adds the feature soon.
To monitor and adjust CPU/GPU frequency, board temperature, and loading status, Easy Setup Tool for Tinker Board 2 series provides the possibility to modify settings and optimize thermal performance.
I referred this link. In that if the user clicks on EditText(for ex To: ) at that time keyboard will be popped out and at the same time the user can be able to scroll to see all remaining views(ex: compose,subject, send button) in that screen. Similarly in my app I have one activity in that I am having some widgets or views. Suppose if the user clicks on Edittext which is in my Activity then keyboard is popping out and i can be able to scroll to see remaining views. But if i give this attribute android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" in manifest i was unable to scroll to see remaining views but if give attribute android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" like this in manifest I can be able to scroll to see remaining view but there is status bar in that screen, here I want full screen and even if the keyboard is popped out I can scroll to see remaining views..? what changes I have to made for this..?
CPU Monitor is one of the most beautiful and powerful CPU monitors for android! You will be able to monitor CPU temperature and frequency real-time, and analyze the CPU temperature and frequency history data.
CPU/GPU Meter is another best Android app available on the Google Play Store that can show CPU temperature on the status bar. Not just CPU, CPU/GPU Meter also shows GPU details right on the status bar. The best thing about CPU/GPU Meter is that it works on both rooted and non-rooted Android smartphone.
Step 2. Once installed, launch the app and grant the permissions. Once granted, click on the Settings and turn on the option to show CPU/GPU detail on the status bar. The option to turn on the CPU/GPU overlay on the status bar might vary from device to device.
The Disk widget settings allow pinning specific items so they the widget alwaystheir status. It also allows changing the usage threshold at which items arealways shown, which can help identify disk locations which may need attention.
The Interfaces widget differs from the Interface Statistics widget inthat it displays general information about the interface rather than counters.The Interfaces widget shows the type and name of each interface, IPv4address, IPv6 address, the interface link status (up or down), as well as thelink speed when available.
The OpenVPN widget displays the status of each configured OpenVPN instance,for both servers and clients. The status of each instance is shown, but thestyle and type of information shown varies depending on the type of OpenVPNconnection. For example, with SSL/TLS servers in client/server mode the widgetshows a list of all connected clients. For peer-to-peer mode instances such asshared key clients and servers, the widget displays an up/down status. In eachcase it displays the IP address of the connecting client with the name and timeof the connection.
The Wake on LAN widget shows all of the WOL entries configured under Services> Wake on LAN, and offers a quick means to send a WOL magic packet to eachsystem in order to wake it up. The widget also displays the current status ofWOL entries, if possible. To wake up a system, click next to itsentry. 2b1af7f3a8