Moreover, the move to such promotions Email List opened up the Pandora's box to further abuses. The drive for revenue seemingly caused social platforms to continue to look the Email List other way on fake profiles and social media bots because they drove ad sales. Personal data was harvested and manipulated in ways that users could not fathom and Email List did not agree to. Mostly, it did something to marketing that I'm not sure we can recover.
For many digital marketing firms Email List and marketing agencies, it forced us to down the Kool-aid with everyone else. People that should have known better doubled down on Email List social media marketing for our clients when we knew -for most of them- it was unnecessary. Marketing and advertising agencies became accomplices after the fact. Like I Email List said earlier, marketing and advertising agencies and consultants are supposed to obsess with accuracy.
We want our clients to have the Email List very best ROI available. However, like professionals in any business vertical, we're self-serving. One of my favourite examples of how Email List people who would know better will say anything for a buck is real estate agents. Have you EVER heard a real estate agent tell you it's a wrong time to buy a house? In all of my days, Email List I have never read an article by a real estate agent saying that people should hold off on a purchase. House prices going up? A great time to buy; you'll make your Email List money back immediately!