Teen Titans Go! To The Movies
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Taking place during the events of the fifth season of the series, the film follows the Teen Titans, who attempt to have a movie made about them in Hollywood while dealing with supervillain Slade, who was responsible for making blockbuster movies about superheroes undercover as a Hollywood director.
GameSpot's Chris Hayner, while finding fault with what he deemed excessive toilet humor and some dragging in the film, said that \"In a superhero movie landscape where the world is constantly being destroyed by massive CGI abominations, this is a refreshing change... it doesn't forget how funny and exciting these types of movies can be.\"[34]
Parents need to know that Teen Titans Go! To the Movies is based on the popular Cartoon Network series about five young superhero misfits that's known for its wink-wink comedy and sometimes rude humor. The movie stays true to that spirit, cleverly parodying superhero movies within a superhero movie (Robin, voiced by Scott Menville, is obsessed with getting his own film). Also true to the series, the punchlines feature lots of potty humor (one scene is literally about a toilet), and there's frequent superhero action. It's animated and cartoonish, which affects the impact, but weapons -- including guns, missiles, swords, lasers, and more -- are used frequently, buildings explode, and characters are in peril. Language is limited to insults like \"losers\" and \"stupid,\" and other than a couple of glimpses of bare bottom, there's no sexual content. While the main characters (Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy) genuinely care about each other, their moral compass isn't fully developed. Moments played for laughs include a hit-and-run car accident where the creature they hit appears to be dead, and a scene in which they take out a future superhero when he's a baby (they later undo it, but not based on moral reasons). But in the end, friendship and teamwork triumph.
This animated adventure comedy cleverly pokes fun at superhero movies while also pulling back the curtain on all the standard elements/clichés of superhero movies. The technique teaches kids that there's a formula to making superhero films, which may result in more critical thinking and less impact from some of the darker moments when they watch those films in the future. Warner Brothers and DC Comics should be applauded for being in on the joke, winking at the audience for their own missteps and allowing moneymakers like Batman and Superman to be satirized.
It's being touted as \\\"the superhero movie to end all superhero movies...hopefully\\\" And if the first trailer is any indication, \\\"Teen Titans Go! To The Movies\\\" is going to the take the superhero genre to a whole new level.
With the nostalgic, yet amazing voice acting of the original titans (Tara Strong, Greg Cipes, Scott Melville, Hyden Walch and Khary Payton) along with stars like Kristen Bell, Will Arnett and Nicholas Cage, DC manages to deliver a film worthy of the title that guarantees to make even the humorless laugh. 781b155fdc
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