Many entrepreneurs experience an indescribable feeling when they are able to turn their dream into reality, whether through an e-commerce platform, a physical storefront, or seeing their product on the shelves. However, once the excitement of starting that new business idea wears off, many newbie entrepreneurs are faced with the harsh reality of a new challenge. As a new business, one of the toughest hurdles you'll face from day one is attracting people to your business website and convincing them to convert. This can be extremely difficult for businesses that don't have huge customer databases or massive marketing campaigns, especially since
Brand recognition has such a big influence on consumer behavior. This is why a consistent email campaign is necessary to build brand awareness. Most company mailing list customers won't convert on their first interaction with your business (or even on their second or third). But creating an effective email campaign can help keep your business or product front and center and, ideally, shorten the sales cycle. So how can new businesses create a successful drip campaign that influences sales and starts building awareness for your brand? Establish your target group. Often new businesses make the mistake of setting their network a bit too broad during email campaigns in hopes of catching more leads. However, a narrow approach is actually much more effective. Segmented email campaigns that target specific audiences have been proven to generate
This is why creating customer personas can be extremely useful as a guide once you start building an audience database. Start by using all the past data you have from your customers, as well as market research to create buyer personas to segment your audience based on their behavior and preferences. For example, some customers tend to be more price driven and would prefer content alerting them to sales and promotions. Others may be more interested in the academic side of things,